Saturday, December 27, 2008

Lumpy Features and other Christmas Highlights

Well the rush of shopping, wrapping, baking, and shopping some more has finally ended. Yesterday I cleaned a mountain of dishes, pans, wrapping paper and ribbons. Today my favorite part of the holidays begins - the part where I get to sit around and relax while the children enjoy their new toys. I thought we'd never get here.

Since I finally have a quiet moment to get reacquainted with the concept of sitting, I thought I'd share a few of this year's Christmas highlights for the Reese family.

Christmas Memory Number One: The family was gathered a few evenings ago with the plan of playing a game. Worn out from our day's festivities, no one volunteered to make the trek downstairs to select a game. So we opted for Twenty Questions, the Christmas version. Nat stumped us with the word Toy Soldier, then I did just as well with Snowflake. Brandon's word, however, was guessed in just three tries. What are the odds? "Is it bigger than a breadbox?" Yes. "Smaller than a mountain?" No. "Is it Santa's Workshop?"

The game started to derail with Whitney's word selection: North Pole. Not the place. An actual pole.

"That's not even real!" her father shouted.
"It's in a movie! I saw it!"
"That doesn't make it real! You can't use imaginary objects!" (Faces were red, tension was high.)
"So you're saying I can't use Rudolph? Or Frosty? What about Santa? Are you saying I can't use Santa just because I've only seen him in a movie?"

We thought that ended the argument. Whitney won. The North Pole--the pole, not the place--is a legal word. But not one to give up easily, Dad's next word choice not only stumped us, but brought the game to a screeching halt: Santa's Pet Squid.

Christmas Memory Number Two: We got Brandon a karaoke machine for Christmas. If you know Brandon, or have followed this blog, you know what a perfect gift that is for him. Later that day he told me I was the best mom possible. Not just the best mom. Or the best mom ever. But the best mom POSSIBLE. Can't top that.

Christmas Memory Number Three: Santa brought the soon-to-be grandbaby a Winnie-the-Pooh play mat for Christmas. It features all the Pooh favorites - Eeyore, Piglet, Roo - as well as some lesser knowns, like the elephant Lumpy.

In fact, the box proudly proclaims: With Lumpy features in the Pooh Garden.

If that didn't make you laugh, you need to read it again.


Tristi Pinkston said...

You mean Santa's pet squid isn't real? I'm all sad now ...

Anonymous said...

I have a very silly family! And I like your "Countdown to Grandma-dom"... very cute.